Are you looking for UP Bar Council Registration Fees 2024 which has been recently updated by the UP Bar Council? Don’t worry. We are here to help you. Kindly go through the blog in detail.
In a significant move, recently the Bar Council of Uttar Pradesh State has reinitiated the registration process of lawyers. For this the Bar Council of UP has also revised the fee structure on August 12, 2024 following a recent Supreme Court Judgment in the matter of Gaurav Kumar v. Union of India & Others.
As per the new guidelines the registration forms will now be available free of cost. Lawyers, who are interested can download the forms and complete their registration. The forms are now available on the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Bar Council. The lawyers will also have to pay the prescribed fee according to their respective category.
UP Bar Council Registration Fees as per the New Guidelines
According to the new move, the Bar Council has set a registration fee of Rs. 750 for General category except Schedules Castes (SC) and Schedules Tribes (ST). These categories will be charged Rs. 125/- only. The fee Brack down is as follows:
For General Category – Rs. 750/- (A bank draft of Rs. 600/- in the name of Bar Council of Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad + a bank draft of Rs. 150/- in the name of Bar Council of India Collection Fund Account, Allahabad).
For SC/ ST Category – Rs 125/- (A bank draft of Rs. 100/- in the name of Bar Council of Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad + a bank draft of Rs. 25/- in the name of Bar Council of India Collection Fund Account, Allahabad)
Decisions that were kept in background
Let’s know UP Bar Council Registration Fees Process.
The Bar Council of Uttar Pradesh issued the guidelines regarding the registration process of lawyers after considering three writ petitions. These are Gaurav Kumar v. Union of India, Ajay Shankar Shrivastava v. Bar Council of India and others and Pawan Kumar Dubey v. State of Uttar Pradesh.
Procedure after filling the registration form
After filling the registration forms with requisite documents, the police verification process will begin within a period of one month. This verification will take place to check whether any criminal record exists or not in the name of the concerned lawyer.
The police officials will have to submit the report within a period of 45 days (about 1 and a half months) in case any criminal record exists. If any such report is not submitted within the prescribed period by the police officer, then it shall be presumed that no such criminal record exists.
After this process, the person has to submit all prescribed documents before the counter of the Bar Council of Uttar Pradesh within a period of 15 days (about 2 weeks). From there onwards these documents will be sent for the verification process to the Secretary of Bar Council of Uttar Pradesh within 15 days.
After this process the documents will be further transferred to the registration committees so that the interview process can take place.
Selected candidates will be further asked to appear for the personal interview process within three weeks. If the person succeed then he/ she will be granted a temporary Certificate of Practice (COP) for a period of two years. But in case a person fails the interview, then he/ she shall be given a second chance after three months.
What after the generation of COP
An Advocate after getting the COP is required to fill at least five cases in the Uttar Pradesh State in a year and if an advocate fails to do this continuously for two years, then his COP shall be declared as cancel.
During this duration of two years the person will also have to qualify the All-India Bar Examination (AIBE). Then only the candidate will be granted the Certificate of Practice (COP) for all India. If the person fails to qualify the AIBE Exam, then his temporary COP shall be declared as cancel.
Documents required for registration in Bar Council of Uttar Pradesh
The following documents are required for the registration in the Uttar Pradesh State Bar Council:-
- Class 10th and 12th marksheet
- LLB Passing certificate and marksheet of all semesters with consolidated marksheet
- For three-year LLB graduates, Graduation Degree Certificate and LLB Degree Certificate is mandatory
- For five-year LLB Graduate, Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate is mandatory
Note – if a candidate is still waiting for the provisional certificate for LLB, then he/she may obtain an affidavit from their respective college officer that states your situation and the date you expect to receive your provisional certificate.
- Recent passport size photograph in uniform
- Attendance cum character certificate
- Self-attested residence proof
Photo ID card such as Aadhar Card, Pan Card etc.
how to process to registration and law degree having not yet then wht we do?
Hi Mayank, if you have not completed your law degree, you can not proceed to register under Bar Council. Kindly wait till you get the degree of law.
Firstly complete ur law education then … that process will start
Hello, I am in a service with pvt company. How Can i register myself in UP bar council.?
Do i need to resign?
Yes Dear First you resign then start your process to register…
But, there is ruling of SC that candidate can register and appear in AIBE. If qualififed in AIBE then he has to resign within 6 months for valid certifcate of practice.
Is this process still going on or something has changed. please update.
my permanent address out outside up what should i do.
LLB Complete in UP
अगर LLB करने के बाद किसी को 3 या 4 वर्ष रजिस्ट्रेशन कराने में देरी हो जाता है तो कितना कितना फिस लगेगा बार कौंसिल आफ उत्तर प्रदेश कृपया बताएं।
क्या 1977 में एलएलबी की परीक्षा पास करने वालो को भी सटीफिकेट आफ प्रैक्टिस (सीओपी) लेना आवश्यक हैं